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We are organising transport to Forest on Saturday 8th March which will leave Houldsworth WMC at 6.45am. If you want to travel with us then send an email to reddishblues@btinternet.com and put “AWAY TRAVEL – FOREST” in the subject box. Cost is £22.00 for Members and £27.00 for non-members.

Our next Branch Meeting will be on Monday 27th January at Houldsworth WMC starting at 8.00pm (doors 7.00pm) and our guest for the evening will be Gary James. Along with other City related stories Gary will be talking about his latest book Manchester Corinthians: An Authorised History which is about the long history of Women’s […]

All Members registered by 31st October 2024 will be receiving an A4 Poster celebrating 75 Years of The OSC like the one below – once I get them, I’ll let you know how to collect it.

We are organising transport to Leicester on Sunday 29th December which leaves Houldsworth WMC at 7.00am and the cost is £22:00 for Members and £27.00 for non-members. If you want to travel with us then send an email to reddishblues@btinternet.com and put “AWAY TRAVEL – LEICESTER” in the subject box.

We are organising transport to Aston Villa on Saturday 21st December which leaves Houldsworth WMC at 7.00am and the cost is £22.00 for Members and £27.00 for non-members. If you want to travel with us then send an email to reddishblues@btinternet.com and put “AWAY TRAVEL – ASTON VILLA” in the subject box.