“Referees are protected like lions in a zoo”. With only Mourinho and sheep better at bleating than Woolwich Wenger the fact that his team had more headless chickens than a slaughterhouse at Christmas escaped his attention. Always looking for a scapegoat in defeat stamping his foot like a 5-year-old and declaring ”not fair” is Wenger’s […]

We are organising transport to Hull on Boxing Day which leaves Houldsworth WMC at 12:30pm and the cost is £20. If you want to travel with us then send an email to reddishblues@btinternet.com and put “AWAY TRAVEL – HULL” in the subject box.

So he took it upon himself to provide the referee’s duties, Aguero attempted to remove Side-show Bob from the pitch as Anthony Taylor was too chicken to do it in the first half. In the resulting melee Slime-ball Fabregas thanked Fernandinho for his offering of protection by slapping his face. Dino reacted less violently than […]

We now have Reddish Blues Polo and T Shirts for sale which are available in all sizes. The embroided Polo Shirt is £15, embroided T Shirt is £12 and the printed T Shirt is £10. If you would like to order any then please send an email to reddishblues@btinternet.com and let us know which type, how many and […]